Samanu (Purifying the Nadis)

Samanu (Purifying the Nadis)
Samanu is one of the two basic types of purification practices which is denoted from mental. It is also practiced to purify the nadis. The nadis is translated as nerves, arteries, veins or vessels. It is often said to be the counterpart of the nervous system or the blood.
There are 14 Principal Nadis but the most important are Shushumna which is activated through Pranayama and it helps in calming down the system; Ida which purifies and nourishes the body and mind; and the Pingala which is activated by breathing in the right nostril where the left side of the brain is stimulated.
Samanu (Purifying the Nadis)
1. Focusing on Anaahata Chakra, mentally repeat "Yam" eight times while you inhale through the left nostril, thirty-two times while you retain, and sixteen times while you exhale through the right nostril.
2. Focusing on Manipura Chakra mentally repeat "Ram" using the same ratio but inhaling through the right and exhaling through the left nostril.
3. Proceed as in 1, but focus on the moon center at thye tip of the nose and mentally repeat "Tam". While you hold the breath, imagine the nectar of the moon suffusing the entire body. Exhale slowly, focusing on Muladhara Chakra and repeating "Lam".
  People who practice samanu will feel mental clarity and serenity, concentration and mental disposition, and samanu will nourish the body with fresh oxygen.

Eye training in Yoga

Look up and then look down.
Look at the right, then look at the left.
Look at the top right, then bottom left.
Look at the top left, then botttom right.
Look up. Roll your eyes clockwise, then counterclockwise.
Like any other muscles, the eye muscles also need exercise to be healthy and strong. Most of the time, we only shift our gaze minimally from left to right, as when reading, and turn our heads if we want to look elsewhere. By moving the eyes in every direction, without turning your head at all, these Five Yoga Eye Exercises will strengthen the eye muscles, help prevent eyestrain and improve eyesight. Breathe normally while you practice. 
First look up, then look down. Now look to the far right and then look far left. Next look up to the right, then look diagonally downward to the left. Repeat in the opposite direction. Now imagine a large clock - look up at 12 o'clock, then circle around it clockwise, quite slowly for two rounds then quicker for three. Repeat the exercise in a counterclockwise direction. Lastly, hold your thumb up about a foot from your face, and move your eyes from the thumb to the wall beyond and back. To end, always "palm" your eyes as shown below.

Neck exercise in Yoga

Bend your head forward, chin on chest, then back to original position.
Bend to the right, then back to the original position.
Bend backward, then back to the original position.
Bend to the left, then back to the original position.
Bend forward, chin on chest, move from right to the left, then move from left to right.
Many people hold tension in their necks and shoulders, leading to stiffness, bad posture and tension headaches. Repeating these five yoga Neck Exercises eases tension, increases flexibility and tones the muscles. Do them slowly and keep your spine straight. Your neck relaxed and your shoulders facing forward. First drop your head back, then drop it right forward. Now keeping your head erect, turn it all the way to the right, back to center, then all the way to the left. Next drop your head forward and roll it around as wide a circle as possible. Repeat in the opposite direction. Now, raise your right shoulder, then drop it down. Repeat with the left. Lastly, raise both shoulders at once, then drop them down again.