Jalandhara Bandha

This Jalandhara Bandha involves stopping air through pressing your chin on your chest.
Jalandhara Bandha (Chin)
The Jalandhara Bandha or "chin lock" consists in pressing the chin close to the chest and dropping the head to help in maintaining immobility of muscle and air movements. This position is very useful in holding an Empty Pause, for the pressure of the chin against the chest pushes the base of the tongue and the larynx up into the pharynx and against the palate, thus providing aid in resisting the pressure caused by the vacuum in the Lungs.

Uddiyana Bandha (Diaphragm)

Uddiyana Bandha (Diaphragm)
Breathing is life. It is one of our most vital functions. One of the Five Principles of Yoga is Pranayama or Breathing Exercise which promotes proper breathing. Proper Breathing, in a Yogic point of view, is to bring more oxygen to the blood and to the brain, and to control prana or the vital life energy. Pranayama - the science of breath control, consists a series of exercises intended to meet these needs and to keep the body in vibrant Health.
The Practice of Uddiyana Bandha (Diaphragm)
Uddiyana Bandha, involves raising the diaphragm and keeping it immobile during an empty pause. The abdomen must be drawn in and up as far as possible. Expel all air before using this Bandha. In order to attain complete control and more comfort, one may put forth some effort in one or more mock inhalations, without admitting any air, before assuming fullest relaxation possible during this pause. You may combine both chin lock and raised diaphragm techniques in retaining an Empty Pause. These techniques can be employed in either a standing or sitting position and they are commonly employed together with Sitting Yoga Postures.
After exhaling completely pull the abdomen up and back towards the spine. This process forces Prana to the Sushumna Nadi.
Warning: Yoga Breathing Exercise or Pranayama are very powerful exercises. Many people experience dizziness or lose consciousness while practicing Beginner or Advanced Breathing Techniques. Practice all Breathing Exercises slowly and controlled. Perhaps ask a friend to stay with you when trying out a new Breathing Technique. In addition, you can also sign up for some Breathing or Yoga Classes and practice under supervision of an expert.

Moola Bandha

Moola Bandha
Moola Bandha can bring a lot of physical, mental and spiritual benefits. It stimulates and tones various systems of the body, thus creating a positive effect. Its practice can be beneficial to people who are suffering different kinds of disorders and ailments like Asthma, Bronchitis and Arthritis. It is also a great way of relieving Depression, and can lead to the realignment of physical, mental and psychic bodies which serves as preparation for spiritual awakening.
The practice of Moola Bandha also causes the contraction of some muscles in the pelvic floor or behind the cervix where the uterus projects into the vagina - for women. For men, the contraction happens in the area between the anus and the testes. This kind of effect can lead you to having move sexual control and alleviate sexual disorders. It allows you to direct your energy toward spiritual development or improve marital relations. It can also relieve sexual frustration, suppression of sexual energy and feeling of sexual guilt.
Doing the Moola Bandha
While retaining the breath, contract the anal sphincter muscle, then the abdominal muscles. This prevents apana escaping from the lower body and draws it up to unite prana.