Patterns of Rest

Patterns of Rest
Pranayama is one of the Five Principles of Yoga. It literally means "control of breath". Pranayama is a set of different exercises involving the control of one's breath based on the four Stages of Breathing, particularly the two pause stages.
Yogis tend to prolong the pause between exhaling and inhaling (and vice versa) because they believe that doing so can have special physical and mental benefits. Based on these Patterns of Rest between inhalation and exhalation, we can distinguish the Five Types of Breathing Cycles:
Involuntary pausing after inhaling or exhaling;
Intentional termination of movement after a full inhalation;
Stoppage caused by special exertion after thorough exhalation;
Intentionally stopping inhalation at any time; and
Voluntarily stopping exhalation at any time
But why do we need to control our breath?
Yogis believe that the breath and the mind are interdependent entities. That is, if one's breath is under control, then so is his mind. Our state of mind is very important because our emotions, reactions, and everything else that is needed to live a productive life depends on it. The practice of Pranayama partly aims to bring the mind to a state of peace, which is essential to living a good life.
Preparing for a pause in breathing requires doing several rounds of inhalation and exhalation in advance. This exercise will allow you to hold the pause longer, and will reduce the effort needed in inducing such a pause. This is because the length of the pause depends much on the oxygen available in your circulatory system, and this exercise lets you stock up on oxygen.
As you slowly begin to master the art of breath control, you will find that you can induce the pause almost anytime you want to. This, coupled with enough knowledge of the different Yoga Postures, is the start of your enjoyment of the rewards of Yoga. However, you must always be dedicated to the practice of Breathing Exercises. Mastery of these activities, together with some adjustments made for your personal needs, is the key to developing your own relaxation program.
Take time to explore the different exercises in Pranayama. Of course, if you are a beginner, start with the beginner exercises then move on to the advanced ones. Try to see the benefit of these exercises on your health as well as on your mind.

Importance of Exhalation

Importance of Exhalation
The object of Pranayama practice is to emphasize the Inhalation, the Exhalation, or retention of the breath. Emphasis on the Inhalation is called Puraka Pranayama. Rechaka Pranayama refers to a form of Pranayama in which the Exhalation is lengthened while the Inhalation remains free. Kumbhaka Pranayama focuses on breath retention. In Kumbhaka Pranayama, we hold the breath after Inhalation, after Exhalation, or after both.
Exhalation (Bahya Vrtti)
Whichever Breathing Technique you choose, the most important part of Pranayama is the Exhalation. If the quality of the Exhalation is not good, the quality of the whole Pranayama practice is adversely affected. If you are not able to breathe out slowly and quietly, you are not ready for Pranayama, either mentally or otherwise. "If the Inhalation is rough we do not have to worry, but if the Exhalation is uneven it is a sign of illness, either present or impending."
Yoga's essential aim is to eliminate impurities and reduce Avidya. Through this elimination alone, positive results come about. It can be compared to a sewer pipe which has been cleared of all blockages wherein the water can freely flow through. If something in us is preventing a change from occurring, then we need to remove that obstacle before the change can take place. The Exhalation is vitally important because it transports impurities from the body or Apana, making more room for Prana to enter.
Often when Pranayama is discussed, it is the holding of the breath that is emphasized. Yet the ancient texts talk about the total breath, not simply Kumbhaka or Breath Retention. The Yoga Sutra discusses the Stages of Breathing in this order of importance:
bahya vrtti or Exhalation as the most important
abhyantara vrtti or Inhalation as secondary
stambha vrtti or breath retention
Warning: Yoga Breathing Exercises or Pranayamas are very powerful exercises. Many people experience dizziness or loose consciousness while practicing Beginner or Advanced breathing techniques. Practice all Breathing Exercises slowly and controlled. Perhaps ask a friend to stay with you when trying out a new Breathing Technique. In addition, you can also sign up for some Breathing or Yoga Classes and practice under supervision of an expert.

Arrested and Resting Breath

Arrested and Resting Breath

The last Stage of Breathing is the Bahya Kumbhaka (Pause after Exhalation) and the Empty Pause. This stage completes the breathing cycle and gives way to inhalation, which is the start of a new cycle. Breathing pauses have great significance in the practice of Yoga.
What is a Breathing pause?
A pause may be short lasting only for a fraction of a second (e.g. quick puffs) or it may be very long.
Try this:
1. Fill your lungs with air and see how long you can hold it. You will be able to retain the air in your lungs for several seconds or perhaps, for minutes.
2. If you feel drained and if your body needs constant replenishment, you may only be able to hold your breath for a short period.
3. If you feel rested and relaxed, and when your body already has enough supply of oxygen, you may be able to hold your breath much longer.
How do Yogis do the pause?
Yoga practitioners usually extend the duration of a full pause by breathing regularly for some time until the body is supplied with plenty of oxygen and then by taking extended pauses without discomfort. (When you try this, remember to quit the practice when you feel uncomfortable or stressed.)
Advanced Yoga practitioners are said to be able to achieve an Arrested and Resting Breath for an hour or more without discomfort.
Some of them can remain almost completely motionless for days and can even have themselves buried during such periods in order to demonstrate their ability to survive without food, water or very little supply of air.
When buried, the Yogis do not entirely stop breathing, but their inhalations and exhalations become so long and slow and their pauses so prolonged that almost no energy is consumed and very little oxygen is needed.
Heartbeats slows down that only a minimum amount of oxygen is needed by the heart muscles.
Their cerebral activity almost ceases so only a minute amount of energy is needed to support the activities of the Nervous System.
Here are some ways of attaining relatively complete relaxation by the use of Arrested and Resting Breathing.
One cannot retain his breathing for an extended duration when he is nervous, anxious or fatigued.
In the pursuit of extended pauses, Yogis are required to attain a state of rest.
Once the full state of rest is attained, there will be a reduction or elimination of nervousness.
It is an extremely powerful technique to incite relaxation response.
Learning the proper Breathing pause will surely give a lot of benefits to your wellness in mind and body. However, it is also important to seek advice from an expert to make sure that you are doing it properly and effectively.

Techniques to Prolong Pauses (Bandhas)

Techniques to Prolong Pauses (Bandhas)
Breathing is the source of life. This is the basic reason why ancient Yogis developed different Breathing Techniques, from Beginner or Basic to Advanced Breathing Techniques. These Breathing Techniques or Pranayamas are designed to allow the free flow of energy in the body and to purify the body's energy channels called nadis. The practice of Pranayama also ensures that every cell in the body receives oxygen and nutrients.
The Practice of Bandhas
Breathing is divided into Four Stages:
Inhalation or Puraka
Full Pause or Abhyantara Kumbhaka (Pause After Inhaling) Full Pause
Exhalation or Rechaka
Empty Pause or Bahya Kumbhaka (Pause After Exhaling)
Full pause is the deliberate stoppage of the flow of air and retaining air in the lungs. This happens without any movement of lungs or any part of the body. Empty Pause, on the other hand, is deliberately prolonged and completes the breathing cycle which terminates as the pause ends and inhalation begins. Traditional techniques or Techniques are formulated in order to prolong these pauses. These involves intentional attempts to block breathing passages in such a way that air does not escape when the chest and abdominal muscles become relaxed. These aids are called Bandhas. Bhand is a Sanskrit word related to the English words "band", "bind", "bond" and "bound". Each of the Bandha employed for prolonging Breathing Pauses binds air in our lungs or locks the air channels so that air cannot escape or enter.
The parts of the body that are mainly involved in the Bandhas are:
lips and palate
chin, and
The first two are more important in prolonging Full Pauses while the last two are basically more important for Empty Pauses.
The following are the Four Important Bandhas:
Bandha involving Lips and Palate
This technique is used by swimmers. In this Bandha, you close your lips tightly so no air can escape through the mouth. Pressing the lips against the teeth may aid in tightening them. If your nostrils are clear, simply lift your soft palate against the roof of your pharynx and close the passage into the nostrils. This may be done deliberately or you may learn to allow this to happen automatically after some training. A little air pressure from your lungs may aid in holding the palate in such a closed position.
Bandha involving Glottis
You can prevent air from leaving your lungs by closing your glottis. Your glottis closes automatically when you swallow. All you need to do is to stop your swallowing movements at that point where your trachea is closed. This may be difficult to do at first, since an automatic reflex pattern has been built into your autonomic nervous mechanisms. But a little effort in trying to attain voluntary control over your involuntary processes should give you mastery of this technique. Of course, you may combine both the lips and the palate closure with the glottis closure to produce a still, tighter lock.
Bandha involving Chin - Jalandhara Bandha
The Jalandhara Bandha or "chin lock" is done by pressing the chin close to the chest and dropping the head to help in maintaining immobility of muscle and air movements. This position is very useful in holding an Empty Pause. The pressure of the chin against the chest pushes the base of the tongue and the larynx up into the pharynx and against the palate, thus providing aid in resisting the pressure caused by the vacuum in the lungs.
Bandha Involving Diaphragm - Uddiyana Bandha
The fourth Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, involves raising the diaphragm and keeping it immobile during an empty pause. The abdomen must be drawn in and up as far as possible. Expel all air before using this Bandha. In order to attain complete control and more comfort, you may put forth some effort in one or more mock inhalations without admitting any air before assuming the fullest possible relaxation during this pause. You may combine both chin lock and raised diaphragm techniques in retaining an empty pause. Both of these techniques can be employed in either a standing or sitting position and they are commonly employed together during sitting postures.
These two Bandhas appear to serve as strenuous and circulation-stimulating exercises rather than muscle- and will quieting attitudes, though they do aid a person in attaining thorough mastery over his Respiration cycle. Prolonging the duration of a pause requires caution, patience and practice. Gradually lengthen the length of the pause by counting. You may use your fingers to count the duration of a pause. After each successive pause, add one pause to the rest. If you try to attain a prolonged pause on your first attempt, you are very likely to overdo it, suffer some discomfort and feel no beneficial or restful effects. When you feel the need to exert effort in order to hold a pause longer after doing a series of increasingly extended pauses, stop immediately. By constant practice, you can observe a gradual increase in the length of the pauses which may be held with comfort. Practice can be done either once a day or several times a day. The progress you make is mainly an individual matter. Some can do this much easier than the others.
The Benefits of Kevala Kumbhaka
Kevala Kumbhaka (perfectly peaceful pause) involves not only complete cessation of movement of air and muscles, but also the awareness of all such movements and tendencies. The state experienced is one complete rest. Urgency, interest, motive, will, desire, and other negative emotions all disappear momentarily along with the disappearance of specific interests and anxieties, such as those of hatred, fear, ambition, love, hunger and thirst. You will also feel detached from tendencies such as hating specific tasks, fearing a particular person or demanding specific rights, or to zealously force oneself or others to attain indicated goals. During such a peaceful pause, perfect quiescence is experienced. For anyone writhing under the pressures of multiple anxieties, the experience of the utter peacefulness of Kevala Kumbhaka, provides a very restful and blissful moment.
The experience of Kevala Kumbhaka helps in retarding progressive over-anxiety that is common in our society. Suicides and suicidal tendencies, which result from the development of unbearable anxieties, may be retarded and prevented by sufficiently assiduous practice of Yoga. The automatic mechanisms which spontaneously induce inhaling and exhaling, as well as heartbeats, hunger and thirst, can be modified and inhibited for short periods.
The experience of Kevala Kumbhaka is self-terminating and, in spite of some slight reversal of anxious tendencies, one is soon again immersed in the more usual anxieties. The experience must be repeated again and again, and even then, although it may aid in temporary reversal, it cannot be expected to overcome or counteract the much more powerful drives which nature, culture and individual ambitions have established so deeply within us. Yet, its pacifying effects should not be overlooked by anyone who has become over-ambitious and overanxious.
The power of Kevala Kumbhaka and the Breathing Exercises are effectively tapped by combining it with the benefits of undertaking the other elements of Yoga such as Asanas. Although breathing can be undertaken independently from Asanas and vice versa, the combination is many times more effective than doing each separately. The beauty of this technique is that it is available to everyone - regardless of age, sex, occupation, religion or kind of ambition. It may be convenient to do this in the morning and evening. You can also do this at your place of work. Performing it is more relaxing than going for a cup of coffee, going to the water cooler, or going for a smoke.
Warning : Yoga Breathing Exercise or Pranayama are very powerful exercises. Many people experience dizziness or loose consciousness while practicing Beginner or Advanced Breathing Techniques. Practice all Breathing Exercises slowly and controlled. Perhaps ask a friend to stay with you when trying out a new Breathing Technique. In addition, you can also sign up for some Breathing or Yoga Classes and practice under supervision of an expert.