types of yoga 2

  • 01.Surya Namaskara (aundhakar system)
  • 02.Vipritakarani (inverted pose)
  • 03.Sarwangasana (shoulder stand)
  • 04.Ashwini Mudra
            (horse gesture in shoulder stand)
  • 05.Matsyasana (fish pose)
  • 06.Halasana (plough pose)
  • 07.Naukasana (boat pose)
  • 08.Pawanmuktasan (bent neck)
  • 09.Bhujangasan (with straight hands)
  • 10.Bhujangasana (with bent hands)
  • 11.Shalabhasana (locust pose)
  • 12.Dhanurasana (bow pose)
  • 13.Noukasana (boat pose)
  • 14.Samasana/siddhasan
  • 15.Padmasana (lotus pose)
  • 16.Aakarna Dhanurasana
            (type 1) (bow pose in sitting)
  • 17.Aakarna Dhanurasana
            (type 2) (bow pose in sitting)
  • 18.Padmasan Yoga Mudra Type 1
  • 19.Padmasan Yoga Mudra Type 2
  • 20.Vakrasana Type 1 (twisted pose)
  • 21.Vakrasana Type 2 (twisted pose)
  • 22.Ardha Matsyendrasana
            (half spinal twist)
  • 23.Sharanagata Mudra (forward bending)
  • 24.Vajrasan Yoga Mudra Type 1
  • 25.Vajrasan Yoga Mudra Type 2
  • 26.Paschimottanasana
            (half forward bend)
  • 27.Supta Vajrasana
  • 28.Veerasana (warrior pose)
  • 29.Trikonasana (triangle pose)
  • 30.Niralamb Bhujangasan
            (unsupported cobra pose)
  • 31.Niralamb Shalabhasan
            (unsupported locust pose)
  • 32.Halasana - Vistrutapad
            (plough pose)
  • 33.Karnapeedanasan
            (folded plough pose)
  • 34.Chakrasana (wheel pose)
  • 35.Simhasana (lion pose)
  • 36.Kukkutasana (cockerel pose)
  • 37.Garbhasana (foetus pose)
  • 38.Padangushtasana
            (single toe balance pose)
  • 39.Merudandasana (crow pose)
  • 40.Utkatasana (toe balance pose)
  • 41.Tolangulasana (scale pose)
  • 42.Ekapadahastasana
            (hand to single leg pose)
  • 43.Ugrasana (ferocious pose)
  • 44.Ardhapadmabandhasana
            (half lotus bound pose)
  • 45.Hansasana (swan pose)
  • 46.Ekapadashirasana
            (one leg to head pose)
  • 47.Shirshasana (headstand pose)
  • 48.Parivarta Trikonasana
            (inverted triangle pose)
  • 49.Ekpada Hastasana
            (hand to leg pose)

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