Yoga for Weight Loss

For those of you that loathe high intensity workout and yet would like to shed some unwanted kilos; Yoga is the answer. 

In spite of being a gentler and relaxed approach to exercising, it can just as efficiently help with burning calories and achieving weight loss.

After all, isn’t it a given that you’re more likely to stay committed to an exercise that you love rather than get frustrated struggling with one that  you feel compelled to do!

The good news is- with so many different styles of Yoga to choose from, you can modify the intensity and duration of your own personal practice based on your individual weight loss goals. Besides losing weight, you’ll also gain improved muscle tone, greater range of flexibility and movement, better physical strength, stamina, endurance AND remain stress free! Now, that’s what I call a win- win situation all the way….

Added to the physical aspect of the practice, Yoga also increases your awareness of your body and teaches you to respect it. It makes you mindful of what and how much you eat. This mind and body awareness increases your sensitivity to real hunger and real satiety thereby preventing binge eating. (No more midnight raids to the fridge!) So, Irrespective of the physical activity of yoga, this heightened body awareness in itself helps with weight loss and sustaining a healthy weight. Furthermore, by balancing your metabolism, Yoga helps you to maintain a healthy weight.

So what are you waiting for?  Hop on to your mats and try this simple standing sequence that is a great fat buster. Remember to link your breath with the movement as you flow into the practice.

Ms. Seema Banerjee, UK-based Yoga expert 
elaborates on the different yoga postures which can help you to get rid of extra kilos and flaunt a curvy physique:

1. The Mountain Pose
Start off in Tadasana distributing the weight of your body evenly on both legs. Inhale and exhale freely. Inhale as you step into the wide leg stretch keeping your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Exhale as you turn the right foot out to the side with the left foot turned slightly towards the right foot. Ensure that the heel of the right foot is positioned around the middle arch of the left foot. Keep your hips and shoulders square. Inhale and raise both arms straight out from the shoulders parallel to the floor with the palms facing down.

2. The Triangle Pose
Exhale and bend your torso sideways to the right. Place your right palm in front of the right foot or on the floor and press your right heel down on the floor and lift your left arm straight up towards the ceiling as your rotate your chest and hip upwards fixing your gaze on your thumb. Inhale as you lift up and exhale as you rotate the trunk to the right.

3. The Revolving Triangle Pose
Inhale as you lift your left arm up and exhale as you hinge forward from your hips leaning the torso forward and parallel to the floor. Bring the left palm or fingers on the floor near the outer side of the right foot. Stretch the right arm straight up towards the sky, bringing it in line with the left arm. Gently draw your right shoulder further back as you open your chest out. Look up at the right palm. Inhale as you lift up.

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